Fresh Flowers Bouquet - Florist Designed

It's the season "for any reason" bouquet gifts! Celebrate today's special occasion, or no occasion at all, with a colorful floral arrangement. This bouquet hand-arranged and hand-delivered by our licensed local florist, will surely bring a big smile to your recipient's face. Thoughtfully crafted with fresh cut flowers, these affordable and beautiful mixed bouquets make a great gift. Expect a beautiful array of carnations, poms, daisies, or possibly alstroemeria. It's unique every single time! You're getting the best bargain gifts online by ordering from this special best value collection. The florists will pick only the freshest just-brought-in blooms and create a cheap designer gift just for you.
• Seasonal Summer-Theme
• Keepsake Glass Vase
• Card Message Included
Fresh-cut blooming varieties included vary by seasonality.
"SRP" means the current suggested retail price of the product being advertised. That SRP is not set by Send Flowers, but by an independent wire service. Occasionally, Send Flowers will lower the SRP set by the wire service to provide you with even greater value and, in those cases, the lower SRP is shown as a strikethrough price. When you buy from Send Flowers, the stated SRP is usually reduced by discounts or promotions. That means we let you know the current SRP for any particular product, even though Send Flowers may not have sold that product at that price. The SRP is shown as a strikethrough price with a discounted or promotional price also listed so that you can compare the SRP to the Send Flowers price. The discounted or promotional pricing is indicated by the presence of an additional higher strikethrough price.