New Year Flower Bouquet - Florist Designed

Celebrate with a beautiful New Year's Eve silver and white flower bouquet! One of our favorite holiday gifts, it's ideal for your friends, family, loved one, or even your own self-hosted party. Be bold and allow our local florist to choose, design, and deliver a clean floral display that evokes the image of a magical New Years Eve. They'll pick the freshest cut flowers at the most affordable price that are in season to fit your occasion's theme. When sending one of our unique best value options, you still receive a hand-arranged and delivered centerpiece. The only difference, is that you're allowing florists to use what they already have in stock. This saves them time and additional costs.
• Fresh-Cut, Seasonal Flowers
• Silver & White New Year Theme
• Keepsake Glass Vase
• Message Included
Blooms vary by seasonality.
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