100 Roses Bouquet

For an ultimate romantic gift, send one of our biggest rose bouquets! Leave your sweetie breathless with this huge 100 long stem red roses delivery. Send Flowers' 24-inch tall stemmed arrangement is ultra impressive and not for the faint of heart. Each budding flower flaunts its sophisticated beauty and is hand-arranged into a 13-inch glass pillow vase, to create a perfect and timeless centerpiece. These high end flowering tower isn't just for anyone. You should be sending a long-stemmed luxury bouquet for the man or woman of yours dreams. Have a large long-stem floral display sent as an epic, grandiose gesture that will knock them out of their socks. Premium centerpiece approximately 33 inches high by 38 inches wide. This selection is a fantastic Mother's Day or Valentine's day bouquet.
• 100 24 Inch Red Roses
• One-Hundred Stems
• 13 Inch Clear Vase
• Florist Arranged, Hand Delivered
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