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Birthday Ribbon Bouquet

Buy happy birthday ribbon flower bouquet and other cheap flowers

SKU: T22-3


Make their birthday one to remember with the Birthday Ribbon Bouquet! What a fun addition to their special day are these beautiful blooms and festive ribbons. Bright yellow roses and yellow lilies are delightfully arranged with red daisies, red carnations, solidago, purple asters, and salal in a pleasing floral arrangement of yellow flowers and purple flowers. The flowers are delivered in a clear vase with yellow ribbon, green ribbon, red ribbon, and purple curled offray ribbons!

Pair this awesome ribbon bouquet with balloon delivery to create balloon bouquets. Now that truly is a birthday balloon delivery they won't soon forget! If your friend, colleague, or loved one has a sweet tooth send along a chocolate delivery too!

• Yellow Roses
• Yellow Asiatic Lilies
• Red Gerbera Daisies
• Purple Asters
• Cylinder Vase

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