Spray Roses
Spray Roses
Love the look of clusters of spray roses in a bouquet? Send a gift of striking spray roses, in a variety of colors! Get the same look of alluring roses, but in petite blooms that grow in clusters on the same stem. Send an all-spray rose bouquet or one mixed with other flower types. Your recipient will... (read more)
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Spray Rose Bouquets
Spray roses are some of the most popular rose types in bouquets. These petite blooms pack some major beauty with their incredible colors and shapes. Send Flowers offers mixed bouquets with spray roses, in a variety of different colors. Celebrate a romantic occasion, with a bouquet with red spray roses or send get well wishes with a mixed floral arrangement of bright blooms, including pink spray roses! Or opt for our 100 rainbow spray roses bouquet, part of our grower’s collection, for a breathtaking display. These stunning flowers will brighten anyone’s day with their charm and beauty.